Anal fissure Natural Treatment |
They are problems of the digestive, internal device. It is a crack or small tear in the mucous anal one that can provoke evacuations painful and bled. It is possible that they present tracks of blood in the exterior of the dregs or in the hygienic paper(role). The nourishing supplements will help you to solve the problem. Following we present the possible treatments of anal fissure. |
Absence of the Rule Natural Treatment (to see amenorrea) |
They are problems of the woman. The nourishing supplements will help you to solve this problem. Following we present the possible treatments for the absence of rule.
Absence of the Rule Natural Treatment (to see amenorrea) |
They are problems of the woman. The nourishing supplements will to solve this problem. Following we present the possible treatments for the absence of rule. |
Ateroesclerosis Natural Treatment |
Defined also as coronary disease. They are problems of the circulatory system, arteries. It is a tightening of the small blood glasses that give blood and oxygen to the heart. This will be able to solve it with our domestic remedies. Following we present the possible treatments for the ateroesclerosis. |
The Asthma is a disease referred to the respiratory device, which demonstrates with assaults of fort I drown(suffocate). The reasons of the assault of asthma it is the tightening of the thin conduits of air of the lung. The nourishing supplements will help you to solve your problem. Following we present the possible treatments for the asthma.
They are problems of the locomotive device. It is the immobilization of the joints. This problem can be treated by the medicinal herbs. Following we present the possible treatments for the arthritis.
They are problems of the circulatory system, arteries. It is the hardening of the arteries. The aterosclerosis ????? It is an important pathological process in which the lipids settle in the intimate caps of the arteries. This will be able to solve it with our domestic remedies. Following we present the possible treatments for the arteriosclerosis. |
Arrhythmia Natural Treatment |
To take bath alternate of feet and legs inside two buckets, with the water up to the knee, one with cold water and other one with warm water; then to introduce the legs up to the knee in the cold water during three minutes; then to return to that of warm water and you. This will help you in the treatment of arteriosclerosis. |
Apoplexy Natural Treatment (to see cerebral spillage) |
Defined also as vascular cerebral accident, vascular cerebral insufficiency. They are problems of the circulatory system, brain. Sudden suspension of the cerebral action for blood spillage. This will be able to solve it with our homemade recipies. Following we present the possible treatments for apoplexy. |
Appendicitis Natural Treatment |
They are problems of the digestive, internal device. The acute appendicitis is the inflammation of the appendix vermiforme. The inflammatory condition obeys in the majority of the cases obstruction of the light apendicular for fecalitos, lymphatic ganglions,tumours. This will be able to solve it with the medicinal herbs. Followiwng we present the possible treatments for the appendicitis.. |
Anthrax Natural Treatment (to see carbunco) |
They are infectious diseases. The antrax is an infectious sharp(acute) disease caused by a bacterium grampositiva that is called Bacillus anthracis that forms spores. This can treat it with our domestic remedies. This will be solved by the alternative medicine. Following we present the possible treatments for anthrax.
You will be able to solve with domestic remedies or medicinal plants. Following we present the possible urea abnormal treatment
AIDS Natural Treatment (to see VIH) |
They are infectious diseases. The AIDS affects the human beings infected by VIH, when your organism, due to the inmuno depression provoked by the VIH, is not capable of offering an immune response adapted against the infections. You will be able to solve with homemade remedies or medicinal plants. Following we present the possible treatments of the AIDS..
Anger Natural Treatment |
They are a virus. The anger is a viral disease caused by a virus neurotropico found often in the saliva of the infected animals. You will be able to solve with homemade remedies or medicinal plants. Following we present the possible treatments for the anger. |
Allergic Rinitis Natural Treatment (to see fever of hay) |
They are allergic problems. The allergic rinitis is a reaction allergic to certain polenes, grasses or flowers, does not have serious consequences, only it gives many inconvenience. You will be able to solve with homemade remedies or medicinal plants. Following we present the possible treatments for rinitis allergic.